Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Management in the Arts Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Management in the Arts - Research Paper Example It has come up with different technologies of artificial pitches and excellent customer service which help the customers to avail their services. ‘Goals’ is a company which has established courts having floodlights and these courts have a spacious area. Moreover the services of pavilion are provided to the customers for refreshment purposes along with the facilities of parking. Service/ Products Heathrow Goals is located in an area with high population so that it can attract a wider range of crowd. The services that the center provides are associated with the services of the company ‘Goals’. It provides the service of booking the pitches for matches of football along with kid parties. The teams can sign up to leagues or tournaments organized by the Heathrow Goals. It provides different facilities for the teams who are enrolled in these leagues or tournaments. It has around 12 all weather pitches which help the customers with different environment of day and night. These pitches are well developed by the Heathrow Goals with rubber crumb artificial grass. The pitches also have the facility of floodlights so that the individuals can play up to the time that they want to. The Heathrow Goals also has luxury sports bar along with a private function room for parties. A mega screen is located on the pitch which attracts the teams to the centers. And lastly it also provides the facilities of shower and changing rooms for the sportsmen. Finances   The finances of the Goals clearly show that their popularity and sales is increasing every other day. With the help of the facilities that it provides it is seen that people are getting attracted towards the centre even more. In the years 2009 it was seen that the sales of the company were increased by 6% which clearly showed the strength of finance of the company. The company aims to four more centers during the year of 2011. In 2010 it was seen that five such centers were opened and made functional by the company to generate huge profits. It also opened its centre out of the United Kingdom in the famous state of Los Angeles. It is believed that with the current facilities the company would be further able to excel in the year of 2011 and currently the number of sales is enough for the company to fulfill its goals. Premises   Heathrow Goals is located on the Shepiston Lane, Heathrow with 12 day night courts for the footballers. The premises of Heathrow goals contain a bar for the footballers along with changing rooms and shower. The pitches in Heathrow Goals are almost 12 joined together but separated by the pavilion ends. It also has separate rooms where kid parties can be arranged. History   The history of Goals can be traced back to 1987 when the first 5-a side centre was established. Keith Rogers was the co founder of Anchor International Limited which created this first centre. Keith Roger was able to successfully expand the business until it was sold to 3i at the pri ce of 28 million pounds in the year of 1999. After selling Anchor International Limited, Keith Rogers carried out an MBI (Management buy in) on an existent business so that he could flourish his concept of 5-a side business. The company that he carried out an MBI on was backed by HBOS Plc and Dunedin and soon after staff upgrading started. New information technology systems were introduced in the business to help the business. After

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