Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Critical Analysis various programs

One of the most essential functions of the state is to provide public welfare and look after the citizens of the country. This is done through the application of various programs aimed at developing the people’s capacity and alleviating others. The success in this task is what, to a great extent, defines the state’s relationship with the citizens and how much people get involved in collaboration with it. If they don’t get the support of the state, citizens can slip into apathy and become disjoint from matters that require the attention of the whole nation.As the decades have progressed we see significant changes in the way public programs are organized and continuing improvement is necessary to promote efficiency and results. In Hope Unraveled, Richard Harwood states some of his basic observations after conversations with the American people across various states. He makes a good point that the nation is embroiled at most, in the debate regarding republicans and democrats and whether religion should be an important element in the state and does not go any further. When looked at closely, what the nation appears to be eliciting is a general level of distancing from politics and public life.The link between state leaders and the ordinary people is a very frail one and now that the ethos of the people is no longer truly represented in the rhetoric of the politicians, the public is withdrawing itself. This as a result is allowing these leaders to garner political gain for themselves (Harwood, 2005). This perhaps presents the need for some sort of change in the measures adopted for public welfare and other programs initiated by the state. That fragile link between the state and the people needs to be rebuilt which can best be done by improving public management.Kamensky and Burlin, present a very good insight into the measures that could be taken by public managers which stress use of collaborative arrangements. The basic principles of networks and partnerships can be of very important use in this regard. To bring about a so called â€Å"public management revolution† requires some changes in the methods adopted. Productivity needs to be stressed on through all levels of public services (Kamensky, 2005). This has been the hallmark of the private sector and perhaps it is now a time for increased dependence on it by the public sector.Another change drastically needed is reducing the centralization and allowing more entrustment at the sub national level so application is left more to those at the grass roots, better able to respond to changing conditions. The centre could focus more on the creation of public policy and making sure the smaller, semi-autonomous units are held accountable for their measures. The core beliefs surrounding the need for this public management revolution are culminating in public managers opting to replace the traditional bureaucratic organizational structure and to engage in the provision of p ublic services with new and creative ways.A few ways of doing this is contracting out services to third parties and collections of public, nonprofit, and for-profit organizations, instead of a bureaucratic hierarchy. These contractual relationships can help develop linkages between organizations, although it would be significantly different from a network. Networks may be funded by grants, contracts, or fee-for-service arrangements, but they use collaboration as a way of dealing with problems in a coordinated fashion that would be impossible for just one organization.The idea behind contracting is exactly the opposite of collaboration—competition, where two or more organizations are forced to compete for the contract. The network logic is that collaboration is needed to deal with problems that don’t fit neatly within the boundaries of a single organization. This creation of a so called networked form of governance has been the ultimate result of contracts and decentral ization (Harwood, 2005). Collaborative networks are the best methods for tackling public management problems like homelessness and child welfare.The problems mentioned above that have to be tackled by public agencies are interrelated to a great extent and in most occasions, are bigger than what one single, unconnected agency can handle. Effective management is important in the case of dealing with networks but the benefits accumulated from them are resoundingly high. A connected series of jobs can be fulfilled that may otherwise prove overwhelming. The network is disjointedly different from other forms such as a bureaucratic structure but their ability to aid in problem solving; despite their complex make up is what makes them important for improving public management.Certain precautions need to be taken for networks to be successful. They can result in failure if effective management is not available. There is not much significant research available in this regard. However it is st ill important to be stressed upon with public managers being provided a certain level of understanding of what needs to be done for increased ability of networks to achieve success. Schorr is an advocate making use of the ability of networks and the lessening of the bureaucratic hierarchical structure that was slowly emerging.According to her, public programs have to be â€Å"comprehensive, flexible, responsive and persevering† to be effective. This is best achieved by the decentralization that has been stressed upon before and letting the people at the grass roots handle what they are adept at. These public programs also require clear objectives and the availability of sufficient resources (Schorr, 1998). There may never have been a need for thinking about the advantages of networking for public services if earlier trends had continued.Before, as Schorr examined, there were slowly emerging small but viable public programs that were actually making headway in dealing with soc ial problems. Unemployment and issues such as teen pregnancy were effectively being handled and great things could have been expected from these programs but many of these creative ideas soon came under the stranglehold of bureaucracy. Once caught, these programs slipped into obscurity and lost their luster. Part of the responsibility for the slip in public management and the adverse results can be attributed to the public.The modern day citizens can be seen to possess a deep seeded anger with public life and politics in general. There was some level of care about the public realm but in general, most felt manipulated by lobbying techniques and spin meisters. Over time this even developed into frustration as many saw big issues being deliberated upon but too little concern being shown for their issues. This was complimented by the failure of public programs that were bogged down by the bureaucratic hierarchical structure. Even the news was dominated by scandals and power politics th at did not fit public concern anywhere in its fold.Thus when the people were immensely frustrated with public life, they began to withdraw to their own personal abode where they attempted to get away from the manipulative power of media and the political lobbyists and spin meisters. September 11 was one event that gathered the nation together with promises of engaging citizens, inception of new welfare programs and perhaps the emergence of more practical news in the media. It could have been the starting point of a process of change, a catalyst for greater trust and involvement in public life.That golden opportunity was eventually lost as well as the nation continued its retreat away from the public sphere and slipped further away. Success of public programs depends to a great extent on the involvement of citizens. This requires certain notions of public good and awareness. That was just the thing being lost from the nation’s shared lives. However great the frustration is wit h a particular cause, the health of a democracy and the effectiveness of its public programs requires more than just a good voter turnout. It requires keen interest in public life and involvement in every sphere.This â€Å"me first† philosophy needs to change if public program are to be salvaged. Building networks and partnerships is one thing but not every organizational move can result in success. It requires belief and the willingness to go the extra mile. This other path can lead the nation to create a more vibrant and robust public life. This requires a reevaluation of how the general public evaluates and puts into practice the public programs. It is a translation of the belief that people actually want to get involved and make a difference. They want to step forward to improve their surroundings and bring about change in society.When things start improving on one end, it tends to produce a ripple effect that spreads across various rungs of the public infrastructure (Bar dach, 1998). For philanthropy, this approach has immediate and concrete implications. This approach needs a particular kind of thinking that focuses on going beyond the creation of single projects or singular objectives. It requires putting hope in workable projects that themselves become shining stars to follow and emulate. This creates a feel good factor within the framework of the public administration and involves the people further as well.It has to be kept in mind that such singular projects alone can not halt particular trends or lead to improvement at large. Supporting singular successful projects only works well if it is paired with more initiative and the drive to continue producing measurable results from public programs which actually allows a new trend to establish roots and cement the change process. What needs to be taken care of here is that the change being aimed for does not just provide short term gain and results in an increase in competition within communities i n the nation.The benefits of singular projects that turn out successful may not accrue to all in the short term or even in the near future but it does lead to establishment of change. This requires patience which if not fostered, could result in acrimonious feelings within the communities (Tom, 2007). The challenge is that in the current culture of opposition, our very public structures, relationships, networks, leaders and norms are not amenable or hospitable to supporting an alternate path. This creates certain uphill tasks. As some analysts point out, real and sustainable change can only be garnered with the presence of the right mechanism.This has been founding wanting in large parts of the society and even the catalysts for change are now hard to discover and capitalize on. The years of stagnation with regard to public life has created a gap on how actually to best engage people and lead to an acceptable level of progress in public programs. It proves inherently difficult thus, to seek out ways to overcome the existent adverse conditions that hold progress. There is a need for creation of an alternate path in society, one that ignites a sense of possibility and hope. This path requires bringing together all the steps that have been deliberated above.The first is the development of civic minded organizations which go beyond the society’s divisive elements and actually involve the people as such, enabling them to engage. The needs of the hour is innovation and persistence on the part of the administrators as constructing something new and workable like that is not very quickly done. Such organizations if successfully constructed can serve as central beacons of hope that can be the stepping stone for increased engagement in public life and alleviating some of the withdrawal that has plagued the nation.These organizations themselves also need to bank on networks and partnerships with the private sector and with other public entities so as to maintain e fficiency and help increase credibility of the public management. This has to be complemented with the creation of leaders, emerging both from within society and the public sphere who can help this cycle of sustainable change to continue and also make sure that the complex partnerships and networks that come into place for problems solving work well and do not expire, leading the nation back to the trend it so desperately needs to halt.Works Cited Bardach, Eugene (1998). Getting Agencies to Work Together. Brookings Institution Press. Kamensky, John M (2004). Collaboration. Rowman & Littlefield. Richard, Harwood (2005). Hope Unravelled. Kettering Foundation Press. Schorr, Lisbeth (1998). Common Purpose. Anchor. Tom, Christensen (2007). Transcending New Public Management . Ashgate Publishing.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Early civilizations: Mesopotamia – China

The later Mesopotamia people who built a large empire based on a powerful army with iron weapons and who made extensive use of terror were the Assyrian 12. A Babylonian resurgence of power was led in the sixth century BCC by Nebuchadnezzar 13. Mesopotamia metal workers discovered that If they alloyed copper and tin they could produce bronze 14. Iron metallurgy came to Mesopotamia from the Hitters 15. The first people to use wheeled vehicles were the Sumerians 16.In Mesopotamia, prisoners of war, convicted criminals, and heavily indebted individuals were the here main sources for slaves 17. Mesopotamia developed into a strict patriarchal society 18. Conditions for women In Mesopotamia grew increasingly worse over time 19. THe Mesopotamia style of writing was known as cuneiform 20. Ethical monotheism was in the tradition of the HEbrews 21 . Hebrew monotheism has its origins with Moses 22. The first simplified alphabet, containing only twenty-two letters, was created by the Phoenicians 23. Egyptian is not of Indo-European origin 24.Hatchets was a woman who ruled Egypt as pharaoh. 14. Women enjoyed the most freedom and opportunity was Egypt 15. In Cush, there is evidence of many female rulers 16. In Africa, iron metallurgy arose independently from the Hitters. 17. The Egyptians traded through the Red Sea with a land they called Punt, which was probably modern-day Somalia 18. The Greek words meaning â€Å"holy inscriptions† refers to hieroglyphs 19. Mercuric writing was a Nubian script that borrowed Egyptian hieroglyphs 20. The cult of Ammo-Re revered a combination of two gods associated with the sun 21 .Chi. 5 1 . The legendary founder of the Ixia dynasty, who constructed dikes and dams and organized flood controls projects, was King You 2. The legendary early Chinese sage- king who ordered the four seasons and established uniform weights, measures, and units of time was King Shun 3. Hang He takes its name from loess soil 4. The Hang He River was given the n ickname China's Sorrow 5. Mesopotamia: Tigris & Euphrates – Egypt: Nile – Harpoon: Indus – China: Hang He 6. The most important archaeological site from the Neolithic Hansson culture is Banjo 7. Hansson,Ixia, Shank, Chou 8.The first attempt to organize public life in China on al large scale occurred during he Ixia dynasty 9. The Shank rulers were strengthened by their control over the technological advantage of bronze 10. The Chinese copied their chariots from the Indo-Europeans 11. Ay was an important early capital city of the SHANK dynasty 12. The last capital city of the Shank Dynasty, which featured lavish tombs for the kings, was Yin 13. Chou dynasty laid the foundation for principles of agreement and political legitimacy. 14. THe Mandate of Heaven allowed the ruler to serve as a link between the heavens and the earth 15.Because of the immense size of the Chou Tate, its emperors were forced to rely on a decentralized system of government. 16. One of the rea sons for the eventual collapse of the Chou Dynasty was the inability of its emperors to control the production of iron 17. The â€Å"Period of the Warring States† refers to the chaotic last centuries of the Chou Dynasty 18. In ancient China, the group that presided at the rites and ceremonies honoring the spirits of departed ancestors was the patriarchal heads of the families 19. In regard to gaining or losing the Mandate of Heaven, the Chinese spoke of titan, an impersonal heavenly power 20.The Chinese began to make extensive use of writing during the Shank Dynasty 21 . In an effort to foretell the future, the Shank made use of oracle bones 22. The lines, â€Å"This young lady is going to her future home, And will order well her chamber and house† come from the Book of Songs 23. Many of the early CHinese literary works were destroyed by order of the first Sin emperor 24. The nomadic tribes to the north and west of CHina traded with the Chou but didn't imitate Chinese ways 25. The powerful southern rival to the Chou were the Chug

Monday, July 29, 2019

Middle and Adolescence Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Middle and Adolescence Development - Essay Example Peer relations are related to the formation of friendly group. The number of friends during this age is greater than any other age. This formulation is also similar to Maslow’s need for belongingness. The middle age peer relation concerns for the communal needs of acceptance by peers and avoidance by rejection. These communal needs include, affection, intimacy companionship, support etc.(Buhrmester, 1996). The adolescent shows increased influence of peer group than a middle childhood. During the transition period, the children usually reject old friends and come to new relations. Girls are more likely to accept new friends than boys. The middle childhood friendship is based on easiness to handle the friends. But in adolescence the relation is based on commonality. Peer rejection is painful during adolescence more than middle childhood. Thus though the emotional relations he slowly learns that the previously believed things are wrong The adolescent picks up the habit and social qualities of his companion. Peers influence his interests, attitude and values. The social behavior of an adolescent is controlled by the peer group. During this time the peer relation inculcates the sense of loyalty, sympathetic attitude and willingness to obey the social rules and regulation.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Criminal Identification Procedures in the Twenty-First Century Essay

Criminal Identification Procedures in the Twenty-First Century - Essay Example However, because these advances are still so new it is not always possible to understand their full implication. Do they have unintended consequences? Are they really as useful as they appear? And perhaps more importantly will we become so reliant on this technology that we throw away good old sleuthing techniques and human controls and simply let technology take over? These are all incredibly important questions that we must think carefully about. This essay will examine some of these questions by looking at the pros and cons of specific technological advances. In the criminal justice system there are two opposing modes of looking of how to deal with criminals. The first is the due process model. The gist of this model is that an individual can never be deprived of basic human rights no matter how horrible a crime he or she has committed. Even to put someone in prison is to take away the criminal’s inalienable right to liberty and there must be many appeals and a thoroughly scrutinized process to ensure that everything is done by the book. At its heart the due process model would rather see nine guilty people on the street than one innocent person in prison. The end result of this mode requires many hours of painstaking work by humans checking and rechecking evidence and the court case moving very slowly through the system. The second mode of looking at criminal justice is the Criminal Control Mode. This system puts a high value on locking up guilty people. It focuses on protecting citizens from criminals as quickly as possible. Und er this system more money is spent on policing and deterring and prosecuting criminals as quickly as possible so that the police and prosecutors can move on quickly to the next batch. If an innocent person is caught in the net, that is a tragedy, but what is important is that many bad guys got caught too.

Pro's and Con's of Colleges going tobacco free Essay

Pro's and Con's of Colleges going tobacco free - Essay Example The fundamental cause of this tremendous increase in the population of young smokers every year is social influence. Since children and young adults spend a considerable part of their day at schools and colleges, smoking peers and friends at schools and colleges are the prime source of influence for the non-smokers to take up smoking. This imparts the need for the concerned authorities to consider making the colleges tobacco free. The subject of this analysis is the pros and cons of colleges going tobacco free. Other than the fact that I smoke, I do not know a lot about my analysis. After thinking about it, I decided I wanted to know more about the pros and cons of colleges going tobacco free. In order to make informed decision and achieve favorable results, it is customary to evaluate the pros and cons of making the colleges tobacco free. This paper achieves this purpose and inculcates a better understanding of the usefulness of banning tobacco in the colleges. I think my main audie nce will be young college students. I really don’t know what my audience already knows about this topic being that I don’t know much about it myself just yet. I think the statistics I add will be convincing. Some of the questions that I intend to answer in my analysis include; How does this affect smokers rights? When did the policy begin? What colleges/states are mandating this policy? Causes and Effects of Tobacco Ban in Colleges Many colleges around the world have banned tobacco whereas many others are considering banning it. The College of DuPage (COD) is one such colleges that has recently imposed ban on smoking. The main reason why the COD went tobacco free on 6 August 2012 was the immense concern of the college about the health and safety of everybody who is associated with the college including the workers, the students, as well as the visitors. There is considerable amount of research that has found the health risks of both active and passive smoking. Another reason for making the college tobacco free is to cut down the costs associated with cleaning and maintenance of the college, damage caused by the possible outbreak of fire, costs of medical insurance, and the costs of students’ absenteeism (Martin). The pros of tobacco ban in college include improved health and safety of the students, staff, and visitors, cleanliness of the college’s environment, decreased tendency of non-smokers to start smoking, reduced students’ absenteeism, and reduced risk of fire outbreak whereas the cons of tobacco ban in college include absenteeism caused by students’ tendency to smoke off-campus, accuse of discrimination, and students’ and/or staff’s dissatisfaction. Pros of Tobacco Ban in the College There are numerous pros of tobacco ban in the college are numerous. They are discussed as follows: Improved Health and Safety Smoking is a potential risk of health both for the smokers and the non-smoking people around them. Smoking is known to be a cause of lung cancer, mouth cancer, and increases people’s tendency to do heavy smoking and subsequently start substance abuse. Cleanliness Tobacco ban causes the atmosphere to be carbon free thus providing the students, staff, and visitors with a fresh and clean air to breathe. Also, with the tobacco ban imposed, students cannot throw cigarette

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Manufacturing process wings for formula one cars using with ribs Coursework

Manufacturing process wings for formula one cars using with ribs - Coursework Example This is the first step and it entails the design process of the parts of the wings. According to Keynes (2014), software such as Siemens, product lifecycle management software permits the racing engineers to improve product design and production process, as well as attainingdesign iterations in the virtual environment. In that perspective, this process involves choosing the shape and patterns of the wings and its parts. This step also focuses on the optimization of the aerodynamics of the wings to ensure efficient output during the racing process. This is the second step and it involves the manufacture of the designed parts. The materials used in this process is carbon fibre and its foams. As cited by. (Wood, 2013) moving from the concept of aerodynamic to a carbon composite fit for the racetrack needs a significant bunch of engineering processes and tools and processes. The designed patterns are moulded, produced and taken to a clearing chamber where several layers of carbon fibre and carbon forms are put together in layers. The parts, according to the design, may take up to 100 layers of carbon foams. After the layers have been put together, they are then sealed together and then put into a vacuum chamber to remove air. The vacuum chamber then sucks the air out. The third step involves forwarding the put together layers into a chamber for a curing process. The layers are then subjected to a high pressure of up to seven atmospheres at a temperature of up to one hundred and nineteen degrees Celsius. This results into the binding of the layers together by squeezing. The bending process is actually handled by the spars that run the span of the wing. Besides, the outer skn needs to be tailored towards avoding skin buckling since the wings have the capability of flexing and bending. The fourth step involves the assembly of the different parts of the wings to make a complete functional wing. The different parts are bind together using rivets. In

Friday, July 26, 2019


THE EFFECT OF DRUGS ON PEOPLE WITH BIPOLAR DISORDER - Term Paper Example Depressive disorders impress the direction a persons head purposes. Bipolar disorder becomes by a lot of names: bipolar disorder, diseased person disorder, diseased person illness, bipolar temper disorder, and bipolar emotional disorder are medical phrases for the identical circumstance (Smith, 2009). Bipolar disorder is broadly classified addicted to four unlike categories: Bipolar I, Bipolar II, Cyclothymic Disorder, or Bipolar Disorder not Differently Determined. The health individuals distinguish the discipline into these four categories for the reason that the symptoms of bipolar disorder demonstrate up in a different ways as well as in dissimilar people. When doctors experience what kind somebody has, they be capable of tailor management to that persons particular demands (Guyol, 2006). The antidepressant medications which are almost frequently used to handle depressive disorders: are by and large divided into three groups these are tricyclics, monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), and lithium. Lithium has and then for been the a good number effected choice for by bipolar disorder in addition to a number of outlines of returning, most important depression. On the other hand, further lately doctors have also been by means of anticonvulsants for bipolar disorder (Guyol, 2006). Your general practitioner be obliged to think your personal health times gone by and reply to medications in finding out what is most beneficial for you. Every now and then different medicines are tried, and occasionally the quantity must be improved to be successful. People are in practice of blocking medicine early which is not in thier favor indeed. It is significant to continue taking medicine till your doctor says to discontinue, yet if you must be aware of enhanced in advance. A number of medications are required to be stopped slowly but surely to provide your body time to regulate. For individuals with bipolar

Thursday, July 25, 2019

What makes people attractive to others Research Paper

What makes people attractive to others - Research Paper Example The two most exciting life incidences about life in college for young men is the possibility of development of a relationship away from relatives; either just friendship or romantic. The paper posits that college men become attracted to others when they identify an admirable quality in them. The paper outlines these qualities and their effects in attractiveness. The secret identified in the discussion as overlaying attraction is self love. Attractive people judge neither themselves nor other people. They are open to all love gestures directed to them. This makes their character to be viewed in a positive light. They express their love in every way and think about it most of the time. With such an attitude no ill thoughts about others can clog their mind. According to Harper, college men should understand that human interactions are vital in acquiring a sense of well-being, happiness and self esteem (402). The paper also stresses on the emotional as well as physical well-being because , at their age, the community expects college men to be energetic both physically and emotionally. This implies that one may be physically healthy but emotionally challenged leading to overall adverse effects on their interactions. It will also be difficult for a young man to sustain a meaningful relationship if they lack emotional stability. DISCUSSION The education status of college men demands that much of their thinking capacity be preoccupied by academic issues; not life shocks and stresses. This is an indication that if one does not uphold proper interactive tendencies towards people, his academic performance will certainly be affected negatively. When they discover that people do not like them, emotions run the gamut from defensive indignation to a feeling of deep pain and enormous sadness. One should focus on improving both his physical and emotional character while streamlining self attitude towards other people. However, young college men may look physically tattered, frai l and unattractive if they do not embrace a healthy lifestyle. Healthy people engage in some form of daily exercise alongside healthy diets to support the physical stability of their energetic bodies. One should indulge in this because they respect themselves and not aiming to impress others. The strategy can entail the involvement of a group activity. This promotes positive interactions with the group members. Attractive people maintain their emotional wellbeing through allowing themselves time to focus. This detaches them from adrenaline negative impacts such as distractions and clutters (Davenport point 32). There are many virtues that one needs to acquire to ensure they are attractive to other people especially the college mates and the teaching staff. It is eminent for one to develop his personal operating system (Davenport point 1). This can be accomplished through curving out and defining their philosophy, values, interests and reality than blindly embracing that of their pee rs and the community at large. When people understand your likes and dislikes, the interactive attitude they portray upon you will be related to the stipulated principles. Expressing one’s personality indicates that one accepts who they are. Therefore, people interact with the real self and not a fake personality. Accepting who we are requires personal sacrifice as one lets go of the need for validation (Davenport point 2). Attractive people speak constructively and attach sense in whatever they discuss. Although the current trends among the peers associate naughty-boy image with attractiveness towards young ladies, this notion is short-lived and causes harm to self-worth

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Commodities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Commodities - Essay Example The immeasurable significance accorded to oil, in all the forms it occurs, by political empires can be traced to as early as the first decade of the 20th century when governments started showing interest in private oil companies. On behalf of the British government, Winston Churchill proposed a bill to the House of Commons in 1914 that sought to acquire a 51% controlling stake in the Anglo-Persian oil company at a cost of  £2.2 million. A hidden motive can be seen in this move because the acquisition agreement further stated that the government would install two directors in the company that would have no hand in commercial activities. Rather, their only role would be to sanction political matters and those relating to Admiralty oil contracts. Fuel oil prices were already rising occasioned by the rising need of an industry that relied on oil-powered propulsion. It was the view of some members of the House of Commons that the cause of the price increase was a new special use found f or oil, and not some rings or trusts, which was also contributing to its shortage. From the notion of a new and special use being discussed in the House, one can easily link oil to politics. It was soon established that the â€Å"use† was in the form of other countries stocking up on fleets of oil tankers in case of war. From history, we learn that Britain had an abundance of coal at the beginning of the 20th century, but no oil reserves had been discovered within it by that time. It then becomes apparent that the decision to acquire private oil companies was informed by the technological advancements of the Anglo-German maritime prowess. Only oil, and not coal, could provide the edge crucially required in terms of resilience and speed to assist the British maintain the naval supremacy that the Germans were so relentlessly working towards. Here, it can be seen how oil had become a key strategic commodity in national policy. While the Anglo-Persian deal assured the firm a vari ety of secure markets and capital, it, more significantly, provided a steady oil supply to the British government and guaranteed its survival, albeit only for a foreseeable future. This is further confirmed by Churchill’s revelation that the acquisition’s objective was to keep the navy prepared. A critical examination of that objective brings to light the fact that the precedence of investing oil in national security over a flourishing market was legitimized just before WWI. This is even strengthened by the way advocates of national security within the British government supported the limiting of oil in the market. Moving toward WWII, it is apparent that it was an affair between industrial powers. Therefore, nations that had no oil were greatly disadvantaged. For

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Social and Economic Impacts on Communities of Hosting The London Essay

Social and Economic Impacts on Communities of Hosting The London Olympic Games 2012 - Essay Example This study therefore examines the social impact of host communities staging major sport events with a specific examination of the upcoming London 2012 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games. The study utilised a secondary research method applying Morgan (2007) SLR methodology to scrutinise the various literature on the subject. The literature examined was based on past sports effect limited to the 2000 Sidney Olympics to the most recent Beijing Games 2008. The sources were collected from academic, journals, books and relevant reports as well as topical writings. The study has indicated a positive social impact on local communities with numerous studies indicating that the local population has gained tremendously from the staging of the event in their backyard. Many indicators point at a resurgence of the formerly deprived area to emerge as a major economic zone in London. The study was however, limited by the scope of the research, which was examining the topic prior to the staging of the events, hence lacked some long-term view of the sustenance of the projects. This study will build upon existing research on the social impact of major sports events but with particular focus upon the upcoming London 2012 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games. The study evaluates the positive and negative impact of hosting the Games on local communities while also seeking to establish the short term and long-term effects to the community. The study aims at determining whether major or mega sporting events exemplified by the Olympics have a positive or negative impact on local communities who normally endure the most of the events staged in their backyard. Most studies emphasise the economic benefits including infrastructural developments, employment, integration and environmental upgrading; however, there have been some indications that some members of the community are negatively affected by this mega events. This study is based on the London 2012 summer Olympics Games,